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Anupama Ranawana


Anupama Ranawana studies the relationship between literature and Asian feminist theology at the centre for religion and politics at the University of St Andrews. She also teaches a course on Justice, Environment and Mission with a particular focus on Indigenous Theology for the Queen's Foundation (Common Awards Scheme) and works part time as research Advisor for Christian Aid. Her research and teaching expertise and interests are focussed on gender and justice, indigenous theology, decolonial thought, diversifying research methodological practice, religious thought in the Global South, faith and international development and the intersections between racial and climate justice.

Selected Publications

  • Ranawana, A. Persistent becoming: women’s religious thought and the global. Int Polit Rev 8, 100–127 (2020).

  • Tilley, L., Ranawana, A. M., Baldwin, A., & Tully, T. M. (2022). Race and climate change: Towards anti-racist ecologies. Politics, 0(0).

  • Ranawana, A. M. (2022). Rage against the Port City: Southern theologies mobilising for climate justice. Politics, 0(0).

  • Baishali Chatterjee, Luciana Caffarelli & Anupama Ranawana (2022) Grandmother, breadwinner, caregiver, widow, entrepreneur: COVID-19, older women, and challenges for the implementation of the women’s economic empowerment agenda, Gender & Development, 30:1-2, 247-264, DOI: 10.1080/13552074.2022.2071983

Public Writings

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