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Elia Maggang


Elia Maggang is an Indonesian who has just completed his PhD in Religions & Theology (2023) at University of Manchester. He is constructing an Indonesian maritime theology by bringing into reciprocal encounter the perspectives of humanity’s relationship with the sea from Indonesian indigenous traditions and Trinitarian pneumatology. He is now a Teaching Assistant who leads the Introduction to Christianity’s seminars at University of Manchester. He is interested in the intersections of Christian and indigenous theologies and practices especially on issues around the sea and sea creatures, and coastal peoples’ traditions that preserve the sea and recognise the sea’s agency for the life and sustainability of our blue planet.

Selected Publications:

  • Maggang, Elia. 2022. “Emphasizing Fish, Fisher, and Sea for the Mission of Christian Churches in the Context of the Marine Ecological Crisis: A Response to the Ten Commandments of Food.” Mission Studies 39 (1).

  • Maggang, Elia. 2022. “Blue Disciple: A Christian Call for the Sea in Peril.” International Journal of Public Theology 16 (3)​​.

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