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Risaw Wallis


Risaw Walis belongs to the Sediq People of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples and is currently doing PhD at the University of Leeds. His project is designed to apply the Taiwan-yuan-chu-min (Taiwan Indigenous Peoples) Tribal Experience Biblical Interpretative Method to the biblical texts of the Book of Ezra-Nehemiah that are deemed imbued with the ideologies of empty land. This research is anticipated to produce contextually decolonial land discourses with the traditional knowledge of the author's Sediq people. His research interests include indigenous theologies, indigenous mother-tongue biblical reading method, and postcolonial biblical reading.

Selected Publications

  • Ukan, W. and Risaw Walis. “Incessantly Colonized Border(s): Mother-tongue Reading and Decolonial Reflection on Proverb 22:28.” Yu-Shan Theological Journal 27 (forthcoming).

  • Walis, R. 2021. Utux Tmninun U, ini sruwa muway pusu dnui rudan sunan ka hiya': Reading Naboth’s Refusal (1 Kings 21:3) from the Sediq Mother Tongue. Journal of Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology 3(4), pp.68-76,

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